sábado, 18 de febrero de 2012

the dreams... for sometime i just leave there...in my mind, i dont pay attention, now they star to had some order,, if you like, they are not random images, for now i take control of one, and lets see what happend on monday... see you

viernes, 17 de febrero de 2012

The day comes when you realize that everything in your life is for a reason, sometimes i think ...destiny exist??, maybe we try all of our life not to follow our destiny, but in the end we see that all our ways lead to the same door....
thinking an thinking, i decide finaly to do a blog, i think and hope that everyones undestand english because, i prefere to know some other peoples and the best way is to write in english, so, i hope to enjoit and every day see what happend on this side of the world, best wishes for all¡¡¡¡